Sunday, October 26, 2008

Start By Believing

This morning Karen was feeling like Denise was not there for her. She was feeling non-supported. It was funny to watch how she wanted to make her best friend sound like she was no good, not capable and full of it.

I think that Denise drank this weekend. Karen said. I thought she had a drink as well, I said, but Denise told me that she did not drink. So, I am going to believe her.

It is my job to believe her Karen. The same way I will believe in you. There is a feeling that another person gets when they are believed in. It really does not matter if they are believable or not. My job is to create that feeling and then a value for being believable is formed. You have to start somewhere. My Mom told white stories, her version of an OK lie. I grew up with and had to learn how to be honest as a deeper level. The people that believed in me believed in me because they choose to, not because they had reason to. When ever I can at least for a while I choose to believe. The lie will always come out in the end if you just hang in there.

We made a trip to star bucks to get a green tea and a chi latte. While still in the car Karen started to talk about Denise,"she will never get my boyfriend to believe in her and all her great ideas. My dad is not going to believe in her as well. Denise has to prove her self. She told me she would do all this stuff and she did nothing. I new she would never change."

Karen we have to see Denise in the highest light that we can. We have to belief in her like we want people to believe in us. It is the work of Jesus; do on to your brothers like you want done on to you. He was not just talking about sharing apples. It is every aspect of life, emotional, mental and material. Most people think that Jesus wanted us to do these things first for our brothers. He new of the root of consciousness existed within and a way to that root was to act out what is wanted for your own good by given to others. So the act of believing is not so important for Denise it is important for you, Karen. By you acting "Believing" you are creating a life that you and others will believe in you.

Look at it this way there is nobody out there just a mirror reflecting back to you who you are. If you take this point then how you see them is how you will become and more. See Denise as believable, coach her from the side lines, help her get to the truth when ever you can.

What you say about Denise is how you feel about your self. Breaking the pattern starts with you. Increase the love for others and you increase the love for yourself. It really is that simple! You have to do it in order for it to work.

Karen says, I know, I know. That is right you know but what are you doing? The doing is more important then the knowing. Put it into action.

Read this over! Come back and re-read it. Then every time you find your self not loving somebody or not loving yourself 'Start By Believing'; BELIEVE. Read it until it has sunken into the fibers of your being. Act it until it is the only way you know how to respond.

Thank you for reading, Gary

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